Swimsuit 4
Inspired by the tie, this model's shaped around the neck like a tie.
Sometimes the idea is in my head and it's difficult to implement. It's like a cake that haven't been baked yet.
I like to create images slowly, after creating a sketch, I continue editing and enriching the image.
While brewing the idea of the tie I saw a lizard hanging on a chair, resembling a tie hanging on a suite.
At that moment I realized that there would be a lizard on the swimsuit. But that was't all.... It wasn't going to be a simple lizard... It was going to be a lizard with the head of a girl... And not just with the head of a girl, but with two profiles deployed in different directions.
Inside the body of the lizard there are two profiles, looking at each other... And instead of lizard hands, it has human hands. Lastly this lizard will have an extremely long tail that divides the swimsuit in the middle.
Swimsuit 4, Lizard High Neck.